Annual Community Forum
Making Real Change Happen: Vote, Vote, VOTE!
(Click here to listen to the Forum. Presentation begins at minute 11)
The singular message to the 280 people attending the 11th annual Community Forum on gun safety was simple: vote.
“Unless we elect the right people to keep doing the things that are working, it all comes to a halt,” said Fred Guttenberg, the Forum’s keynote speaker at Rockhurst University.“(By voting), we have the power to continue fighting to protect the people we love.”
One of those loved was Guttenberg’s 14-year-old daughter Jaime. She was among the 17 people killed in the 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Since then, Guttenberg has worked tirelessly for gun reform. “I am Jaime’s voice,” he said.
He pointed to real progress stemming from the 2022 passage of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the first federal gun legislation enacted in nearly 30 years, and creation the following year of the first-ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention.
Guttenberg and Jason Kander, former Missouri Secretary of State who also spoke at the Forum, agreed on the urgent need to repeal the federal Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA). Passed in 2005, PLCAA gives gun manufacturers broad immunity from being sued for the damages their products wreak. “We’re all getting screwed by the gun companies that just want to make as much money as possible,” Kander said.
One example cited by Guttenberg: in 1994, the number of AR-15 assault rifles sold in the U.S. was 400,000. This year: 20 million.
In addition to the proliferation of and easy access to guns, “a culture of poverty” plays a role in gun violence, according to Kyle Hollins, who joined Guttenberg and Kander in a panel discussion. Hollins founded the local nonprofit Lyrik’s Institution that works to steer at-risk young people away from violence.
The Forum on October 14 also included recognition of Grandparents’ Advocates of the Year: Kansas State Representative Linda Featherston and Community Christian Church of Kansas City, MO.
Annual Community Forum Highlights
11th Annual Forum Recap
Making Real Change Happen: Vote, Vote, VOTE! (Click here to listen to the Forum. Presentation begins at minute 11) The singular message to the 280 people attending the 11th annual Community Forum on gun safety was simple: vote. “Unless we elect the right people to...
A Sobering 10th Annual Community Forum Inspires Multiple Generations with More Collaboration Ahead
If you were among the 250 Forum attendees on October 9, you experienced first-hand the enthusiasm of the crowd, especially the young people who attended, as guests and as speakers. The standing ovation given to 34-year-old keynoter Brandon Wolf, who survived the 2016...
Successful 9th Annual Community Forum October 10, 2022
Grassroots Advocacy: that’s what will reduce gun violence Downloadable Media from the 2022 Forum Pledge Card Forum Advocacy Booklet Fall 2022 Gun Facts Fall 2022 MO KS Gun Laws Speakers at GGS’ 9th annual Community Forum told attendees that successful advocacy takes...
Past Annual Community Forum Overviews
2023 — Gun Safety: Generations Standing Together
If you were among the 250 Forum attendees on October 9, you experienced first-hand the enthusiasm of the crowd, especially the young people who attended, as guests and as speakers. The standing ovation given to 34-year-old keynoter Brandon Wolf, who survived the 2016 Pulse Nightclub mass shooting, made clear we’re all in this together.
2022 — ADVOCACY: The time is NOW!
With the public at a tipping point in its concern about gun violence, the Forum focused on ways to successfully advocate for change. Keynote speaker was Connecticut attorney Josh Koskoff who won a landmark $73 million settlement from Remington for nine Sandy Hook families who sued the manufacturer of the AK-15 assault rifle used in the mass shooting.
The link to this Forum is here
Passcode: K0Z!U2=k
2021 — Gun Violence. Strategies to Curb This Public Health Epidemic
Our second virtual Forum featured keynote speaker Megan Ranney, MD, MPH, a nationally recognized epidemiologist and advocate for gun violence prevention. She was joined by local community leaders explaining their strategies to improve homelessness, unemployment, early childhood education and living environments. Over 185 people attended via Zoom.
The link to this Forum is here
Passcode: FZiE20D$
2020 — Gun Violence. Going Beyond Thoughts and Prayers
Our first ever virtual Forum featured leaders in the Faith, Business and Government communities sharing their current actions and plans for the future. More than 225 people attended this Zoom webinar.
The link to this Forum is here
Passcode: AXdY0jm?
2019 — Gun Violence. Insights From Both Ends of the Gun
The Forum featured keynote speakers Azim Khamisa and Ples Felix and was attended by more than 280 people.
2018 — Gun Violence. Changing the Conversation
The Forum was attended by 250 participants and featured keynote speaker Candace Lightner, founder of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
2017 — Gun Violence. Keeping Our Children Safe
The Forum was attended by over 200 participants and featured keynote speaker is Nicole Hockley, mother of Dylan Hockley, who was killed at Sandy Hook.
2016 — Gun Violence. The Culture of Fear
For the first time, the Forum featured a nationally known keynote speaker: Leonard Pitts, Pulitzer Prize winning columnist syndicated in newspapers across the country including the Kansas City Star. The Forum was attended by more than 190 people.
2015 — Gun Violence. A public health issue
Rex Archer, M.D., Director of the Kansas City Department of Health was the keynote speaker. He was one of the earliest proponents of referring to gun violence as a public health issue. The Forum was attended by 165+ people.
2014 — Gun Violence. We need to understand it
Missouri State Representative, Stacey Newman, of St. Louis and Kansas City Mayor Sly James spoke. Both viewed this as a crucial step to address gun violence before many others understood its importance. This first Forum was attended by 140 people.
Individual Partners
Sarah & Jonathan Baum
Judie Becker
Pati Chasnoff
Donna Gould Cohen
Charlotte & Bruce Davison
Dowd-Burton Fund
Gary E & Stephanie Gosha-Charitable Fund
Patty Logan, M.D.
Dr. Tom Russell
Lisa & Charles Schellhorn
Julie & Sven Sykes
Maribeth & Alan Brennaman
Marylou Carrico & Gilbert Tietz
Jannie & Patrick Cubbage
Eileen Duggan
Carol Gee
James & Christine Glenski Family
Charitable Fund
Rev. Adam & LaVon Hamilton
Dr. Edwin & Marsha Herman
Gerald Hiller
Kay Johnson & William Koenigsdorf
Jeannie Long
Mindy & Rick McDermott
Barb & Jim McNeile
Patty & Nick Nicholson
Gail & Richard Roberson
Cristy & Charlie Roberts
Judy & Steve Sherry
Suzanne Christopher Shutz
Charlie & Jeanne Sosland Charitable Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Kansas City
Al & Mo Strack
Peggy Strickland
Roys & Brad Thedinger
Anonymous (2)
Lynne & David Bock
Ryan Boyer
Jan Brunks
Mary & John Conner
Mark Eisemann & Leslie Mark Family Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Kansas City
Vicki & Jim Ensz
Lona & Neil Harris
Joan & Alan Jacobson
Alicia & Bill Jennings
Donna Katz
Deedee King
Mary & John Lehoczky
Rita Leifhelm & Lonnie Shalton
Linda Lighton-Adkins
Barbara Livers
Ellen Martin
Ann Nelson
Sheryl & Michael Porter
Christine Rankin
Palle and Dennis Rilinger
Barbara & Gary Rogoff
Charlotte & Bob Ronan
Debra Rubin
Tommye Saxton
Marva Shelton
Slovick Mou Family Fund
Sheila & Ken Sonnenschein Family Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Kansas City
Stewart and Esther Stein Family Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Kansas City
Dr. Shayla Sullivant & Matthew Dehaemers
Melinda Upshaw
Lisa Veglahn
Dr. Brad & Barbara Warady
Ann & Robert Weaver
Dave & Carole Webster
Julie & Tom Young
Kimberly Adams
Amy Axtell
Melissa Baker
Shari Bell
Lise and Lee Bernstein
Stevi & Jeff Brick
Paula Brunner
Gay Clemenson
Betty & Jim Crooker
Jill & William Coughlin
Mary Dees
Jodi Dinkins
Shirley English
Donna & Larry Euston
Diane & Art Federman
Ann Hall
Jane Fisler-Hoffman
Scott Friedberg
Jerry Friedberg
Barbara Funk
Lynn Kauffman
Allan Katz & Nancy Cohn
Barbara & Bob Kessler
Paula & Rusty Leffel
Adele Levi
Susie Lippert
Barbara Livers
Dee Dee Lowland
Janet Milkovitch
Pat Pettey
Marjorie & Bill Schlosberg
Vivien and Daniel Schlozman Donor Advised Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Kansas City
Linda & Jack Smith
Phyllis Stevens
Susan Summerlin
Helen Thompson
Deborah Turner
Carol Whitehead
Jennifer Williams
Stan & Joyce Zeldin Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Kansas CityPeggy & Frank Zilm