Happy Holidays to All!
Wishing each of you a joyous holiday season, however and whenever you celebrate it.
While December can be frenetic, gun violence prevention organizations nationwide will pause to honor victims of gun violence with programs and vigils. That includes the 11th Annual National Vigil Day for Victims of Gun Violence to be held in Washington D.C.,
on Wednesday December 6.
In the metro area, we’ll honor and remember those lost to gun violence with two important events. We encourage you to join us.
Zoom presentation in conjunction with the 11th Annual National Vigil Day for Victims of Gun Violence. It’s hosted by G.U.N (Grandparents Unite Now), a social action project of Central Synagogue in New York City.

speaker is Katherine Schweit, attorney, former prosecutor and retired FBI agent executive who created and then led the FBI’s active shooter initiative after the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. She’s written two books on gun violence. Read
more about Katherine and her books.
This will be an informal conversation with Katherine covering her thoughts on issues including Red Flag laws, the Second Amendment and “The Good Guy with a Gun and Other Myths.” There will be time for moderated questions you can post in the Chat.
RSVP ASAP so you can receive the Zoom link.
A program of readings and remembrances at Colonial Church in Prairie Village to honor the thousands of gun violence victims and survivors since Sandy Hook. Along with GGS members, several community partners will participate in the program including Lives on
the Line, Students Demand Action and Shawnee Mission East High School’s East Against Gun Violence.
A special request:
As the weather turns colder, our homeless friends would be grateful for a warm blanket. Maribeth Brennaman, GGS Board member and leader of Free Hot Soup, will gladly distribute any new or gently used, clean blankets you can donate.
Wrapping Up the Year
As 2023 ends, we reflect on a year of accomplishments and look forward to identifying new goals that expand our reach and influence. Below are just a few of each;
you can
read the full list here. Hopefully you’ll be inspired to
Stand with Us to achieve our 2024 goals.
Accomplishments in 2023
Presented the 10th annual Community Forum,
Gun Safety: Generations Standing Together
to over 250 attendees with sponsor support from 17 community organizations and 162 individuals
Reached a milestone of distributing 6,023 free, high-quality gun locks and safe storage information at 225 community events since Lock It For Love began in July 2017
“The GGS Story” to more than 20 groups and organizations
Collaborated with like-minded local groups to advocate for common-ground gun reform
Goals for 2024
Continue producing outstanding annual Community Forums
Recognize 2024 as
The Year of the Vote
by participating in Get Out the Vote efforts to elect lawmakers who prioritize supporting common-ground gun reform
Increase membership by 15% and engage more members in projects and activities
Promote the GGS Speakers Bureau so groups throughout the metro can learn more about our efforts to prevent gun violence
Speaking of Wrapping It Up…
Thank you to everyone who attended November’s meeting and brought new, unwrapped gifts for children at SafeHome and Rose Brooks domestic violence shelters. Your
generosity was overwhelming! As we continue connecting with other community organizations, we’ll give our members more opportunities to show their support. Thank you in advance for getting that started by bringing new or gently used, clean blankets to the
December 14 program.

Santa arrived early for the children at SafeHome and Rose Brooks domestic violence shelters, thanks to the generosity of those who attended November’s GGS meeting.
Ideas for Wrapping Up
Consider Grandparents for Gun Safety in your year-end giving plans. Your support will help us focus on 2024 as
The Year of the Vote by participating in Get Out the Vote efforts. As our 2023 Community Forum speaker Brandon Wolf said about experiencing gun violence, “We feel the same pain and we
want to turn the pain into purpose.”
Donate online here.
Consider these additional options:
Celebrate your birthday with a Facebook request for contributions
Take advantage of any donation matching programs from your employer
Consult with your financial advisor on potential tax benefits from making required minimum distributions (RMDs) from your retirement plans
The charts below explain our funding and expenditures:

Member Spotlight:
A Somber Christmas Eventually Led to GGS

2012 holidays found Dave and Carole Webster writing their annual Christmas newsletter with slightly heavy hearts. Along with some cheer, the Websters’ letter also told friends and relatives a donation in their names was being sent to help families of the 26
victims in the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary earlier that month.
“Then we did a Google search to see what we could do locally, and that’s when we first saw
(then) Grandparents Against Gun Violence,” Carole remembered. But the 50 hours a week she worked at Tension Envelope as an administrative assistant and the equally long hours Dave spent in restaurant
management left little time for volunteering.
Then in 2021, both retired. “Working as hard as we had, we were used to being really busy,” Dave said. “We wanted to find something we could do together where we felt like we were accomplishing something.” They remembered their earlier Google search, joined
Grandparents for Gun Safety online and volunteered to help with advocacy efforts. That same day, the chair of the advocacy committee responded, then came membership asking for help and later Lock It For Love, too. In March, the Websters were named Volunteers
of the Quarter.
“The people we volunteer with are all great, and the cause is one we both believe in,” Carole said. “GGS has been a perfect fit for us.”
Living in Independence, the Websters also volunteer with the Jackson County Parks and Recreation Department. They help maintain a stretch of the walking and bike path along the 15-mile long Little Blue River Trace Trail. They have a son who lives in southern
California and a granddaughter who recently graduated from nursing school.
Say Their Names
Last year, Kansas City, Missouri suffered the second-highest number of homicides in the city’s history, recording 171. To date the KCMO number is at 175. As of
November 29, including other nearby cities, 230 lives have been lost in the metro area since the start of the year.
We say the names of the 23 victims since our last newsletter as a way to honor their lives, while we keep true to our vision that all members of our community have the right to feel safe
from gun violence.

Mark Your Calendar
Happy Holidays to all during December!
Wednesday, December 6:
Zoom webinar honoring victims of gun violence
6:30 p.m. (RSVP ASAP to receive Zoom link)
Thursday, December 14:
Remembering victims and survivors of gun violence since the mass shooting at Sandy Hook on Dec. 14, 2012
4:00 pm, Colonial Church in Prairie Village, 7039 Mission Road
Friday, January 1, 2024:
Happy New Year!
Monday, January 22: First GGS meeting for The Year of the Vote
Behind Your Vote: How Election Officials Prepare and Protect It
4:00 pm, Colonial Church in Prairie Village, 7039 Mission Road
Our Vision
All members of our community have the right to feel safe from gun violence.
Our Mission
We focus on working for solutions, educating the community and seeking common ground reform that respects the rights
of gun owners and non-owners alike.