City’s March for our Lives on March 24 was a tremendous success. More than 6,000 people – students who organized the march and adults who support their efforts – braved cold, dreary weather to make our voices heard. The event here was one of many all over
the country, all saying loud and clear: we have had ENOUGH! Enough of avoiding the conversation about gun violence. Enough being bullied by the NRA. And enough fearing for the safety of our children and grandchildren.
The event program featured more than 25 presentations – including brief remarks from our President, Judy Sherry – and a sobering roll-call of gun violence victims in our community in 2017. Kansas
City Mayor Sly James gave an impassioned speech acknowledging the students who have stepped up to lead us with their passion and skills. He encouraged them to keep up the fight and urged the adults to follow their lead and support them in every way.
As a part of the organizing group, GAGV had a display table at the event, staffed by volunteers. Many march-goers were tremendously interested in us and what we do. We added 179 people to our database
that day, bringing the total number of individuals who receive our information to more than 1,300!
And not everyone was from Kansas City! Here is an excerpt from a message that day:
We live in Northwest Arkansas but still want to hear from you. We believe in the cause you support! We are grandparents of six wonderful grandchildren with another on the way and we want an end
to the easy access to weapons like AR-15s and stronger background checks… I am definitely a supporter of the 2nd amendment, but we need gun reform and stronger laws. We do not need more guns! Enough is enough! Thank you again for your work.
Check out our
Facebook page for event photos and a link to news coverage.
The students are moving us closer to the goal of sensible gun regulation because they refuse to accept the status quo. They have pledged to work to elect those who support the cause and oust those
who do not.
And their activism continues. Students from Blue Valley schools will stage a march on April 20 to recognize the 19th anniversary of the shooting at Columbine High School in Colorado. The
event will start at 4 pm at Church of the Resurrection in Leawood and will feature student speakers and activists. GAGV members are encouraged to attend. Watch for more news on our Facebook page.
These awesome young people are leading the country into a broader conversation about gun violence. We will continue that work as well with our 2018 Community Forum – Gun Violence: Changing the Conversation on
Monday, October 8.
Save the date now, and watch for more information soon.