Making Real Change Happen: Vote, Vote, VOTE!
(Click here to listen to the Forum. Presentation begins at minute 11)
The singular message to the 280 people attending the 11th annual Community Forum on gun safety was simple: vote.
“Unless we elect the right people to keep doing the things that are working, it all comes to a halt,” said Fred Guttenberg, the Forum’s keynote speaker at Rockhurst University.“(By voting), we have the power to continue fighting to protect the people we love.”
One of those loved was Guttenberg’s 14-year-old daughter Jaime. She was among the 17 people killed in the 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Since then, Guttenberg has worked tirelessly for gun reform. “I am Jaime’s voice,” he said.
He pointed to real progress stemming from the 2022 passage of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the first federal gun legislation enacted in nearly 30 years, and creation the following year of the first-ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention.
Guttenberg and Jason Kander, former Missouri Secretary of State who also spoke at the Forum, agreed on the urgent need to repeal the federal Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA). Passed in 2005, PLCAA gives gun manufacturers broad immunity from being sued for the damages their products wreak. “We’re all getting screwed by the gun companies that just want to make as much money as possible,” Kander said.
One example cited by Guttenberg: in 1994, the number of AR-15 assault rifles sold in the U.S. was 400,000. This year: 20 million.
In addition to the proliferation of and easy access to guns, “a culture of poverty” plays a role in gun violence, according to Kyle Hollins, who joined Guttenberg and Kander in a panel discussion. Hollins founded the local nonprofit Lyrik’s Institution that works to steer at-risk young people away from violence.
The Forum on October 14 also included recognition of Grandparents’ Advocates of the Year: Kansas State Representative Linda Featherston and Community Christian Church of Kansas City, MO.
- Brian Ellison, Gail Roberson, Fred Guttenberg
- Linda Featherston, Mindy McDermott, Ann Weaver
- Rachel Casey, Leslie Mark, From KC Mothers in Charge: Latrice Murray, Rosilyn Temple
- Attendees registering at the event
- Community Christian Church Members: Jan Jones, Ann Weaver, Susan Edwards, Judy Hensley, Ken Hensley, Rev. Shanna Steitz
- Jason Kander, Fred Guttenberg, Kyle Hollins
- Carla Oppenheimer presenting Rep. Linda Featherston Individual Advocate of the Year
- Carla Oppenheimer
- Judy Sherry
- Judy Sherry and Pro Tem Mayor Ryana Parks-Shaw
- GGS New Executive Director Rachel Casey
- Ann Weaver and Rev. Shanna Steitz