Make One More New Year’s Resolution
Monday, January 22, 4:00 – 5:45 pm
Colonial Church in Prairie Village (lower level at back) 
7039 Mission Road

We hope you’ll
Make One More New Year’s Resolution
after attending our January program focusing on volunteering. Jamie Berry, who led Kansas City’s Toy & Miniature Museum for 12 years as its executive director and oversaw
its multi-million dollar renovation, will describe the key characteristics of an effective volunteer. She’ll also share success stories of volunteers who have made an impact in the causes they believe in.

Please plan to join us as we explore the world of volunteering and find opportunities to match your skills and interests with GAGV needs. 


GAGV Members at the Sandy Hook Vigil: Carla Oppenheimer, Judy Sherry, Christine Glenski, Ann Weaver, Shirley English. Not pictured, Peggy Zilm



Sometimes “help” is not always a good thing:

The Gun Lobby is Hindering Suicide Prevention

Long but important article about why people love their AR-15’s. Worth a read or quick scan at least. It’s important to understand the appeal:

America’s Rifle: why so many people love the AR-15



Our December 4 meeting featured speakers from the AdHoc Group Against Crime and Mothers United. We hope to be working with them
more in 2018.
Meeting minutes

December 14 Sandy Hook Vigil – we participated with MOMS Demand Action and received many honks and thumbs up
from passersby. 

Lock It for Love – here’s what we accomplished in the first five months of our program:

# of events:                                         18
# of free gun locks distributed:          486
# of zip codes of recipients               123
# of GAGV volunteers participating    30

Thanks to all who have helped to make the LIFL program a success.

We plan to expand this program in 2018 and already have some events scheduled. Please
email us any suggestions for events where we can participate in the Kansas City metro area.


Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act (CCR) – The House did pass this bill and included the Fix NICS bill intended to improve the efficacy of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. 

Democrats opposed bundling the two: Fix NICS “good” and CCR “bad”. The Senate is working to unbundle and vote on each separately in 2018. CCR Voting recap:

Party                                   YES        NO
Republican                           225         14
Democrat                                  6       184

Yoder (KS) voted YES; Cleaver (MO) voted NO.

From the St. Louis Post Dispatch:

Short Take: The House Does the NRA’s Bidding

The news isn’t all bad –

check this out from The Trace

Closer to home, in the Kansas Legislature, HB 2154, a bill intended to keep guns from domestic abusers, was approved in committee last year, and could be up for debate this year (or not).

We will keep you posted on its progress and our decision whether to support it or not. Further analysis is needed.

As for guns and domestic abusers – the New York Times ran an excellent

nine part series
about that.

We will be discussing this issue as the year progresses, as it is a major factor in gun deaths. 


QUESTION: What kind of crazy people often work for long hours at no pay with little (if any) recognition?

ANSWER: Some 63 million Americans who volunteered their time, talent and efforts last year to improve their communities
and the natural world. That’s according to Independent Sector, a national membership organization of nonprofits, foundations and corporations based in Washington, D.C.

At GAGV, volunteers make our organization and programs work. Whether you’ve staffed a Lock It for Love event, stuffed folders for the Community Forum, helped plan a program or spent time writing
letters to your legislators, we thank you. And we hope you’ll consider volunteering even more in 2018 because in addition to your helping GAGV further its mission, volunteering helps you too! 

Studies have shown volunteering provides many benefits including reducing stress, stimulating the mind and offering a sense of purpose beyond career success. Our own GAGV volunteers often talk about
the ‘psychic wages’ they earn from volunteering: a sense of giving back, an expanded view of communities outside their own zip codes, a better appreciation of others’ struggles, a spirit of camaraderie working with like-minded people toward common goals and
a hopeful feeling that progress is being made.

Thoughts of hope are seem particularly meaningful at the start of a new year. As activist and Sandy Hook parent Nicole Hockley said in her keynote speech in October at our Community Forum,
“We are not helpless, we are hopeful.”

Let’s make 2018 our year of hope.

Best wishes for a healthy and gratifying new year making a difference in what matters to you most.