You, too, can help get out the vote because “there’s something for everyone to do,” according to Johnson County campaign activist Michaela Reynolds. One idea: organize a meal train for a harried candidate.

Michaela was one of three speakers at “Advocacy Action 2.0: Getting Out the Vote,” GGS’ August program. Other tips:

  • Volunteer to drive voters to the polls who can’t make it on their own, suggested Anne Calvert of the League of Women Voters of Kansas City/Jackson-Clay-Platte Counties.
  • Emphasize the importance of voting in your circle of influence because “who the message comes from is as important as the message itself,” said Maryam Abid of the Voter Network.

And in GGS’ ongoing postcard blitz: thanks to supporters addressing 1,000 postcards to be mailed to independent voters in the metro area living in districts with contested November races.